IN EMBRACE double bass & piano [2017] 12'00'' Commissioned by Sperger Duo World premiere: 4 August 2018, Boccherini Auditorium, Lucca, Italy Dritan Gani (double bass), Serklana Gani (piano) Supported using public funding by the Slovak Arts Council
To get the complete score & parts for IN EMBRACE free in digital form (high-resolution PDF file to download and print), please fill out thisCONTACT FORM.
ROSENBERG LENTO violin & piano [2015] 6'00'' Commissioned by Czechoslovak Chamber Duo World premiere: 8 February 2015, Schloss Bad Lobenstein, Germany Pavel Burdych (violin), Zuzana Berešová (piano)
To get the complete score & parts of ROSENBERG LENTO free in digital form (high-resolution PDF file to download and print), please fill out thisCONTACT FORM.
TRANAM solo violin [2014] 6'00'' Commissioned by the Associazione Violinisti World premiere: 19 April 2014, Baptist Church, Lovosice, Czech Republic Milan Paľa (violin)
SPOMALENINY violin & piano [2014] 8'00'' Commissioned by Forfest Festival World premiere: 20 June 2014, Festival Forfest, Kroměříž, Czech Republic Pavel Burdych (violin), Zuzana Berešová (piano)
You may order the complete performance material (score and parts) for SPOMALENINY in digital form (high-resolution PDF file to download and print) at a price of €5.00 securely with PayPal.
MUNK viola & piano [2013] 18'00'' In memory of Tomas Munk Commissioned by the New Slovak Music Week Festival World premiere: 15 December 2013, Ludovit Fulla Gallery, Ružomberok, Slovakia Ivan Palovič (viola), Jordana Palovičová (piano)
You may order the complete performance material (score and parts) for MUNK in digital form (high-resolution PDF file to download and print) at a price of €8.00 securely with PayPal.
SILHOUETTE violoncello & piano and optional video component by Sam Tarra [2013] 6'00'' Commissioned by Melos-Ethos Festival World premiere: 18 November 2015, Ludovit Fulla Gallery, Ružomberok, Slovakia Eugen Prochác (violoncello), Jordana Palovičová (piano)
To get the complete score & parts for SILHOUETTE free in digital form (high-resolution PDF file to download and print), please fill out thisCONTACT FORM.
PEROKET solo violin [1997 re. 2012] 7'00'' Commissioned by the Simach Art Foundation World premiere: 17 October 2012, Ludovit Fulla Gallery, Ružomberok, Slovakia Milan Paľa (violin)
You may order the complete score for PEROKET in digital form (high-resolution PDF file to download and print) at a price of €3.50 securely with PayPal.
PICTURES OF A CHANGING SENSIBILITY violin & piano [2011] 7'00'' Commissioned by Czechoslovak Chamber Duo World premiere: 22 June 2012, Festival Forfest, Kroměříž, Czech Republic Pavel Burdych (violin), Zuzana Berešová (piano)
To get the complete score & parts for PICTURES OF A CHANGING SENSIBILITY free in digital form (high-resolution PDF file to download and print), please fill out thisCONTACT FORM.
THE ABANDONED WATER WELLS cello & harp [2009] 4'00'' Commissioned by LakeComo Festival World premiere: 3 September 2010, LakeComo Festival, Malgrate, Italy Piero Salvatori (violoncello), Floraleda Sacchi (harp) Premiere recording on the CD Inside The Tree (as a part of the composition IN SITU)
You may order the complete score and parts of THE ABANDONED WATER WELLS in digital form (high-resolution PDF file to download and print) at a price of €3.50 securely with PayPal.
THE FOREST WOKE UP IN YOUR MEMORY cello & harp [2009] 3'40'' Commissioned by LakeComo Festival World premiere: 3 September 2010, LakeComo Festival, Malgrate, Italy Piero Salvatori (violoncello), Floraleda Sacchi (harp) Premiere recording on the CD Inside The Tree (as a part of the composition IN SITU)
You may order the complete score and parts of THE FOREST WOKE UP IN YOUR MEMORY in digital form (high-resolution PDF file to download and print) at a price of €3.50 securely with PayPal.
ON A MISTY HORIZON cello & harp [2008] 4'00'' Commissioned by LakeComo Festival World premiere: 3 September 2010, LakeComo Festival, Malgrate, Italy Piero Salvatori (violoncello), Floraleda Sacchi (harp) Premiere recording on the CD Inside The Tree
You may order the complete score and parts for ON A MISTY HORIZON in digital form (high-resolution PDF file to download and print) at a price of €3.50 securely with PayPal.
TORQUED IMAGES solo violin [2008] 9'30'' Commissioned by the festival Melos Ethos World premiere: 16 December 2009, Ludovit Fulla Gallery, Ružomberok, Slovakia Milan Paľa (violin)
You may order the complete score for TORQUED IMAGES in digital form (high-resolution PDF file to download and print) at a price of €5.00 securely with PayPal.
SOLSTITIUM [SOLSTICE] cello and harp [2003] 12'00'' World premiere: 13 November 2008, Bratislava, Slovakia Ján Slávik (cello), Adriana Antalová (harp)
DESERTED TRACKS cello and piano [2002] 8'30'' World premiere: 26 July 2003, Festival of Beautiful Music, St. Anton, Slovakia Eugen Prochác (cello), Peter Gulas (piano)
The score of DESERTED TRACKS has been lost. The work is currently unavailable for performance.
LULLABY (Uspávanka) solo cello [1999] 3'00'' Commissioned by the festivals Evenings of New Music World premiere: 23 November 2003, Mirbach Palace, Bratislava, Slovakia Eugen Prochác (cello)