Peter Machajdík's composition Amidah was heavenly music – melodically rich, but not backward. Machajdík is a composer who reflects the times - in his compositions, he asks questions about our society in which we live, encourages humanity. It was a calm mode, a simple, beautiful motif, which was sung by the singer, then we heard it in the interpretation of the vibraphone. Tonality combined with modality created an extremely interesting listening effect. The combination of accordion and a gentle vocal created a hypnotic character of the music, which is the literal opposite of today's technocracy and aggression. Amidah is a Jewish prayer consisting of a varying number of blessings that are recited while the worshiper is standing. During the performance at the ARS NOVA Festival in Košice, it turned into a highly intimate relationship between the musicians and the singer, while the transfer of precious energy to the audience was extremely strong. Prayer has become a messenger of good news - in our world, at a time when we need it most. |
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